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Domain Pricing

Prices listed are for standard domain.For bulk prices:

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Domain Search

How to search for a domain, To do a domain name search, you choose the name to

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Domain Regi.

Find your perfect domain name and register it with MadinaHost. Register your new

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Domain Transfer

Transfer your domain to us, Transfer now to extend your domain by 1 year!*

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Domain Renew

The standard price of traditional top-level domains (TLDs) such as .net

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Domain Offer

We offer the largest selection of domain names on the web, so you can pick a

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Premium domains

A premium domain name is a high-quality domain that investors often buy

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This site offers a WHOIS lookup service which allows you to perform

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frequently asked

question & answers!

No. All domain extensions are considered equal in the eyes of Google. There is no automatic preference given to a .com domain. Where you do need to be careful, however, is to not register an alternate domain if the .com is taken by a large company. This can hurt your search results and also open you up to a potential trademark battle.
Yes. Registering a domain extension reserves it so that no one else can use it. So if you've got, you might be wise to also register and (and redirect them back to your correct site) in order to avoid confusion and keep your visitors coming to your site.
Premium domains (also known as aftermarket or pre-registered domains) are short domains, often just one word or even just 3-5 letters. Most of them have a .com extension but many premium domains end with .org, .net, and .biz. These domains include common words and are generally the most memorable. Because companies value short domains that match their company name or products, these domains are typically the most desirable. Additionally, certain domains sold by different registries are considered premium and therefore have a higher price point. In some cases, the renewal costs of these higher-priced domains are also quite expensive. Some high-priced premium domains, though, renew at a regular (lower cost) rate, giving you a better value in the long term. Make sure to research the overall cost of the domain plus renewal to find the right domain for your budget. You can browse madinahost's premium domains in our Marketplace.
A Top-level Domain (TLD) is the part of a domain name to the right of the dot (e.g., the "com" in TLDs are part of the text-based interface assigned to numerical IP addresses that allows humans to more easily navigate the web without having to memorize long strings of numbers.
In order to register any domain, you must provide certain personal information that you may not wish to be publically searchable in the Whois database. Signing up for WhoisGuard is a great way to keep your registration data private. WhoisGuard acts as a "shield" for your searchable information, displaying the address, phone number, and email of the domain registrar (madinahost, e.g.) instead of your own. Keep in mind that WhoisGuard is an optional security add-on that must be renewed separately when you renew your domain.
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